Photo - Krones

Krones nominated for the German Sustainability Award

FoodTechBiz Desk

On 20 July, Krones received surprising but all the more pleasing news: The technology supplier for the beverage and food industry is one of the nominees for this year's German Sustainability Award. "At first, we were a little overwhelmed by the e-mail," laughs Martina Birk, who is responsible for sustainability within the group.

This year, the nomination was made for the first time by a jury of experts, who identified Krones as a "pioneer of transformation" in the mechanical engineering sector. The publicly available sustainability information of the group served as the basis for this. "For us, this is an incredible honor and, above all, confirmation that we have taken the right path with 'Solutions beyond tomorrow' and our sustainable corporate strategy," says a delighted Birk. "No matter what the outcome of the competition will be: This will give us additional strength and motivation for the mountain of work that still lies ahead of us."

Who will ultimately win the race will be decided in the autumn: the finalists will be selected in September, and the award ceremony itself will take place on 23 November 2023 in Düsseldorf. This year's German Sustainability Award is presented together with the Federal Ministry for the Environment, the DIHK and the WWF. The jurors are independent, not bound to any particular interests and participate according to clear compliance rules.

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